Legacy modernization

Migration and reengineering of applications in Web format

For many companies, existing legacy systems, architectures and processes are slowing down their business capabilities. In fact, IT managers responsible for legacy applications face challenges such as:

  • Inflexible and closed architectures not integrated with modern platforms
  • Running business-critical applications on potentially unsupported hardware and software
  • High cost of maintaining and upgrading legacy systems
  • Tightly coupled business processes/applications preventing the company from adapting to changing business requirements
  • Long and complex development life cycles
  • Shrinking labor pool of expertise on legacy systems


We bring expertise, developed through years of experience, into the process of modernizing and migrating legacy systems, architectures and processes. In our Modernization projects, we pursue the following benefits:

  • Reduced cost: The modernization process lowers the high maintenance cost of existing legacy platforms, resulting in substantial savings in the cost of running a business.
  • Improved flexibility: Flexible IT environments are created that are capable of interacting with contemporary platforms such as web-enabled software. This flexibility allows the alignment of IT systems to dynamic business needs.
  • Minimized disruption: The use of an Axional framework and tools combined with Deister‘s expertise reduces the risk involved in legacy modernization projects.


We are well aware of the complexity and costs involved in the migration of a legacy application, as well as the problems associated with this process when inappropriate methods are employed. That’s why we always check with a potential customer that the use of our tools and methods can offer them a significant advantage.

Project strategies

We follow a different approach depending on each application and its environment:

  • Re-engineering: Rebuilding legacy applications with the same or enhanced business functionality on new platforms with a Service-Oriented Architecture (often known as SOA integration and enablement). In our projects we use the powerful tool Axional-Studio, which helps our teams achieve greater productivity and implement a new system that meets their business’s needs.
  • Re-hosting: Re-architecting to a new environment. The legacy applications are launched on a modern platform, reducing the maintenance cost of applications on legacy platforms. Our Database migration  tools and framework facilitates data migration regardless of data model complexity and database variety. Combined with the Axional-Studio, development framework, a substantial reduction in project costs and schedules can be achieved.
  • Data Modernization: Creating a new channel to access corporate data using a service-oriented framework, opening the previously closed architecture legacy systems to provide new access capabilities. Ou Database migration tools and framework allows for robust deployment of data access channels in a short timespan.
  • Package deployment: Legacy applications are replaced with modern, off-the-shelf packages or ERP software.

The right mix of approaches is determined by the business needs driving the modernization, potential risks, time constraints, and the nature of the source environment and legacy applications. Our offer includes Axional-ERP, a comprehensive ERP package built on a web-native application suite.


The purpose of a modernization method is to document techniques that allow preservation of existing business functions, aligning those techniques with standard software development practices.

Our methodology involves the following main steps:

  • Assessment.
  • Legacy Understanding: identify the business drivers.
  • IT effectiveness assessment.
  • Application Portfolio Analysis: Obtain a clear view of the current state of the computing environment.
  • Inventory of existing applications and how they interact.
  • Define overall modernization strategies and identify key applications that are good candidates for each approach (Re-hosting or re-platforming versus a replacement with packaged applications).
  • Description of existing Business & Technology architecture.
  • Examination of applications at the program level. Determine code complexity, data exchange schemas, and specific interaction within a screen flow.
  • Definition of the new architecture.
  • Modernization Strategy. Business case justification.
  • Deployment.
  • Modernization Plan (management, risk mitigation, execution, quality,…).

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